Youth Forum – Students from Montenegro & Qatar: Students from over 30 countries have come together to express concerns over drug issues, and to try to propose a way forward in what seems like a an impossible goal. Collective ideas from fresh eyes can bring progress. A broad approach is the best way to deal …
Side event: Decriminalizing drug use and possession to advance health and human rights
Organized by the Governments of Colombia, Czechia, Portugal and Switzerland, and the Global Commission on Drug Policy. Ruth Dreifuss Chair of Global Commission on drug policy and former President of Switzerland Thank you for being here and showing interest in our work. We are just a group four citizens who feel that there is an …
CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Monday, March 13, 2017 – Afternoon)
Austria: Austria fully aligns itself with statement of EU and would like to add the following remarks. Given the multi-faced nature of the world drug problem, health, security and human rights, the response needs to be equally holistic. We welcome that the UNGASS Outcome Document placed emphasis on balance, on human rights and harm reduction …
CND intercessional – 25 January 2017: Operational recommendations on Strengthening international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility
Angela Me, UNODC. UNGASS has enabled us to understand the new realities and to build on objective and quality information. This is what I can read from the outcome document in terms of data and statistics. We need more and better information, especially on NPS, on the dark net. Research has been undertaken at regional level …
CND Intersessional – 23rd January: Operational recommendations on cross-cutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities
UNODC Justice Section: Chapter contains 2 sets of recommendations concerning vulnerable members of society and criminal justice proceedings. Those concerning vulnerable peoples discuss the needs of children drug offenders/those affected by drugs and mainstreaming a gender perspective in drug policy. Children must be appropriately considered in criminal justice proceedings. UNODC developed a global programme to …
CND intersessional: 23 January 2017 – Operational recommendations on Demand reduction and related measures, including prevention and treatment, as well as other health-related issues
Webcast available here CND Chair. There is no comment on the agenda of this meeting so the agenda is adopted. I give word now to the Portuguese Ambassador to chair the thematic discussion. We will continue with agendas 2 and 3 on Wednesday. I came back yesterday from New York. The key theme was how …