The EU remains firmly attached to the reduction of social and health damaged caused by the use of drugs. We aim to improve the quality and quantity of demand, and protect vulnerable groups, including high-risk groups, and the prevention of poly-drug use. The EU reaffirms the commitment to the principle of shared responsibility, where demand …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution on Universal Access
The Committee debated the language of a draft resolution proposed by the EU, Norway and Thailand entitled ‘Achieving universal access to treatment, care and support for people with HIV, including injecting drug users, by 2010‘. There was significant debate on preambular paragraph 3, which as drafted stated: ‘Concerned that the coverage of HIV prevention services …
CND Day 3 – Spain on the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem
The latest enquiry in Spain shows promising data on a decrease in the consumption of illegal drugs and limitations of access to illegal drugs. Evaluations were conducted at multiple layers of government, academia, the civil society sector and actors within similar social engines. In order to facilitate classification, the results were organised into areas such …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L6 on availability of controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes
Negotiations started yesterday on Resolution E/CN.7/2010/L.6 “Promoting adequate availability of internationally controlled licit drugs for medical and scientific purposes while preventing abuse and diversion”. The USA provided a brief introduction about the increase in medical availability worldwide, and with it, increased problems of prescription drug abuse. This resolution brings these issues forward. Spain insisted on …
Committee of the Whole – afternoon session
The first resolution debated today was entitled ‘Promoting community-based drug use prevention‘, co-sponsored by the US, Mexico, Indonesia, Colombia and Israel. The resolution provoked no debate, and was approved with minor wording amendments. The Russian delegation objected to the term ‘evidence-based’ in the draft, and instead wanted the term ‘reliable’ used. The US agreed to …
Spain’s comments on the INCB Annual Report on behalf of the EU
We wish to highlight that the primary role of the treaties is to safeguard the health and welfare of human kind. There is a need to achieve a more balanced approach to achieve this goal. We believe that primary prevention is a fundamental health issue that needs adequate resources. Partnerships with civil society and NGOs …