The proposal by Canada is quite significant. It is a crucial matter for cooperation between WHO and CND. Chemical precursors need to be re-scheduled.
CND plenary session, day 5
Plenary resumes its work. question of the chirperson – COW is still working on the resolutions and it will take some time to finish them up. It will take some time to CND to conclude its work around the issue. The initiative is again to go forward to finish the the resolutions. Russian delegation takes …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L10: Final decision: partial adoption
Sudan: We suggest that we would be adopting the resolution and talk about it in the Plenary. We can adopt the resolution by putting the paragraph 4-b in brackets. The Chair found that to be a good idea. The resolution is now adopted, except for the problematic paragraph 4-b, which will be discussed one last …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution on drugged driving
Much of this debate concerned wording around documents relating to “drugged driving”: Revision 1 Talking about controlled and pharmaceutical drug abuse Improve data resources/testing for drug driving Preambular para 7 “welcoming…”delete the word illicit so it just reads drugs rather than assuming illicit drugs were involved “accident” “roadside testing” consistent with their legal frameworks “drugged …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L11
Resolution E/Cnd/2010/L11 – Title: Paris Pact Initiative Russian Federation Russian Federation sometime ago covened a conference…we felt the covening of such a conference should give additional impetus, in particular to combating the illicit status of opiates, we believe this is all the more… timely as the UN has an obligation in a number of spheres including …
CND day 3 – Plenary, Availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes : Sudan
There are varying levels of involvement in implementing these measures. I would like to propose to the UNODC, INCB and WHO to develop a model law to serve as a guide for national governments and that there should be an updated list of legislations of nationally controlled drugs. We should also revitalise the control system …