Third Vice Chair: (…) Thailand: UNGASS 2016, Member States welcomed 2030 agenda and noted efforts to assist the attainment of SDGs and drug control should be complementary. Efforts on drug control correspond to various SDGs. We encourage the CND to contributing to the High Level Political Forum on SDGs in July 2018. We believe that …
Plenary Session: Item 6. Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem
Chair: Good morning please take your seats. We will now take up item 6 – Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem – Particularly B supply reduction and C countering money laundering Chief of organised crime and illicit trafficking branch with UNODC …
Side Event: Measuring Drug Policy Outcomes: Intersections with Human Rights and the SDGs
Side Event: Measuring drug policy outcomes: Intersections with human rights and the sustainable development goals Organised by the Government of Switzerland, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Global Drug Policy Observatory of Swansea University, Centro de Estudios Legales …
Plenary: Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Wednesday 14th Morning Session)
(a) Changes in the scope of control of substances Secretary: For Item 5a on changing in the scope of control of substances proposed scheduling recommendations initiated by the WHO. It reflects comments from governments on factors related to recommendation initiated by the WHO. The Commision will examine recommendation on 12 substances as applicable to the …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday afternoon). L8. Promoting the full implementation of the international electronic import and export authorization system for licit trade in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
Switzerland: As you can see there are some track changes. Turkey: Sir thank you very much. I would like to thank Switzerland. We have decided to be a co-sponsor for this resolution. Chair: Title agreed. Let us go to the preambular part regarding article 31. Agreed. Next? Agreed. Next? Agreed. Next? Agreed. Next? …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Tuesday 13th – Morning Session)
Mexico: We meet because of our interest to tackle the World Drug Problem. Aware of the progress made so far, Mexico would like to strengthen the work of the CND in ordinary meetings, subsidiaries and intersessional. For Mexico it is important to replicate the good practice of this process. The implementation of the UNGASS document is …