The UK delegation states that it is currently refreshing its national drug policy, and one of the key achievements is to move to a recovery-based approach. In the last 2 years the delegation states that they have seen the threat of legal highs and that they pose a challenge to them. Since January 2011 the …
United Kingdom
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L2: Promoting international cooperation in responding to new psychoactive substances
The Committee of the Whole (CoW) has just started working on the first resolution, Resolution L2 – Promoting international cooperation in responding to new psychoactive substances. This resolution was introduced by Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We will be providing updates on the ongoing negotiations on next blog …
CND Day 5 – Closing Plenary of the 54th Session the CND
In addition to formally adopting all the resolutions previously negotiated in the Committee of the Whole, the final task of the closing plenary session is to approve the draft report of the CND session. As had been announced, the draft report this year was short due to financial considerations. The report is the only official …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L15: Achieving zero-new HIV infections among IDU’s and other groups
Russia: We have two questions. PP6, is it correct that the term “people living with or effected by HIV or drug user” also include individuals who are members of a family of IDU’s? We think it applies to families of individuals. Also, we want to propose that before PP10, or an option between PP 10-PP11, …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L6: civil society resolution final comments
Germany: after confirmation, we still have issues with OP2 Chair: OP3, the word “including” as proposed by China and amended by the UK. It has now been dropped! RESOLUTION ACCEPTED
CND plenary session, day 5
L2 F2 resolution has been put forward for the adoption, UK welcomes the proposal to adopt the resolutions one by one, though noted that practice is to let the commitee of the whole finish the review of the drafts and than adopt them all together. japan agreed on this issue, and mentioned that these resolutions …