Organised by the Instituto RIA AC with the support of Colombia, Elementa DDHH, DeJusticia, Acción Técnica Social, the Drug Policy Alliance, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Law Enforcement Action Partnership Luiz Felipe Cruz, Lyn Ulbricht,Tehshia Naidoo, Neil Woods, Camilo Eduardo Umana Tuesday 14th March 13:00-13:50 Luiz Felipe (DeJusticia): There has been the implementation …
Side Event. Health and HIV in prisons: Effective strategies to address urgent needs
Organised by Penal Reform International with the support of Belgium, Brazil, Czechia, Mexico, Sweden and the International Drug Policy Consortium Ehab Salah – Advisor on Prisons and HIV, HIV/AIDS Section, UNODC: Thank you very much for joining us today and this very important CND side event on health and HIV in prison settings effective …
Side event: “Nothing about us without us”: Opportunities to involve youth in drug policy
Organized by the Students for Sensible Drug Policy with the support of Australia, Canada, the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Youth RISE, Sensible Drug Policy Australia and the International Drug Policy Consortium Liv, CSSDP. Let’s get sensible. CSSDP supports drug education efforts to provide realistic cannabis education through peer to peer services and guidance. We …
Side event: NPS market monitoring: Outcomes of the Scanner Project
Organized by Youth Organizations for Drug Action with the support of the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo, the Flemish centre for expertise on alcohol and other drugs and ReGeneration SCANNER PROJECT: UNderstanding the dynamics and consequences of NPS use in rapidly changing drug markets Jochen Schrooten, VAD – Flemisch centre for expertise on Alcohol and other …
Side Event: Drug Policy In Latin America
Friday Ibarra (MUCD), Juan Fernandez Ochoa (International Drug Policy Consortium), Adriana Muro (Elementa DDHH), Pablo Cymerman (Intercambios A.C.), Ernesto Cortes (LANPUD) Friday 17th March 2022 9am-10am Juan Fernandez Ochoa (International Drug Policy Consortium): Dear colleagues, My name is Juan Fernández Ochoa. I work with the International Drug Policy Consortium and I am grateful to see …
Resolution L3. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, taking into account measures to protect the environment and recognizing the rights of Indigenous Peoples (Friday 17 March, morning)
Chair. Dear colleagues, we are still trying to tie loose ends so that we can adopt this resolution. There are a few things I want to say this morning and I hope you will support me so that we can effectively complete the work of the CoW. I want to see everyone demonstrate good faith …