Below, the CND Blog offers an Index of the close-to-120 hours of real-time non-literal blogging material captured during the 65th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. INDEX Plenary Committee of the Whole Side Events Informal Dialogues Plenary Opening of the 65th Session of the CND Item 1. Election of officers Item 2. Adoption of …
CND Sessions
Plenary Item 12. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its sixty-fifth session.
Chair: We are having technical difficulties with printing the resolutions, we will therefore change the order of our proceedings, but we will turn to Nigeria who has kindly agreed to act as rapporteur so that we can adopt various parts of the report. We will then move to the resolutions. We only have a few …
Committee of the Whole L5. Promoting comprehensive and scientific evidence-based early prevention
Slovenia: we had constructive informals that redefined the word ‘flexibility’ but we thank all delegates for their constructive approach. We confirmed to delete PP11bis, amend PP11ter and this is agreed in informals. Chair: What is the feeling of the room regarding PP11bis and PP11ter? Are there any comments? I see none. Let’s consider both agreed …
Side event: Eliminating Structural Racism against Africans and people of African Descent in drug policy legal frameworks and practice
Organised by the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) Asociación Civil with the support of the International Service for Human Rights Luciana Pol, Senior Fellow Security Policy & Human Rights CELS: Customary comment in these events is to say that this is a timely debate. However, in this case, we cannot say that because …
Side event: Suffering in the shadows: The impact of drug-related incarceration on family members
Organised by the Washington Office on Latin America with the support of Mexico, and the Church World Service, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Plataforma NNAPES and the Red Internacional de Mujeres Familiares de Personas Privadas de la Libertad Coletta Youngers, Senior Fellow, WOLA: Before going any further, I would just like to say on …
Side event: Side Event: Drugs and Elections – How to Advance Drug Policy Reform
Organised by the Open Society Foundations Matthew Wilson, OSF (Moderator): Thank you so much for joining this OSF-sponsored side event at the 65th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. I am very privileged to welcome this outstanding panel: the former President of Colombia and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Juan Manuel Santos; Nurul Izzah Anwar, …