Honoured to be the last speaker. World Drug problem is transnational and multifaceted problem the conventions are the foundations of combatting this problem. We are convinced that the coordinated activity of international community is the best way to address the drug problem. Have designed policies from public health and human rights perspective. Reducing transiting of …
High Level Segments
High Level Segment – Namibia
Namibia was first to speak in 2009, and second to last to speak here today. Associates itself with the statement by African Group and the statement by the G77. Despite continued and increased efforts, the world drug problem is still a threat to public health and security, this meeting should give us renewed energy. Namibia …
Statement of Republic of Libya
Many countries suffer from the negative effects of drug use as well as trafficking. we believe that international cooperation in combating WDP must be based on shared responsibility and commitment to joint action to achieve common goals. Enhance cooperation among themselves and help parties that require assistance. Drug problem affects almost all countries and needs …
High Level Segment – Croatia
Agrees with the statement by the Eu previously. We are still far away from reaching goals of 2009 declaration. Questions flexibility of policies due to strength of the dark market, especially due to the cost of policing it. Has seen a drop in funds available to combating drugs. NGOs and civil society deserve to be …
Statement of Santa Lucia
SL aligns itself with Grulac. Island developing state. 20 years since conference on small island developing states. International conference will be held in Samoa in October. SL shares a number of commonalities with small island states. Narrow range of resources. Vulnerable to external conditions. High population density, limited institutional capacity. Difficult to achieve economies of …
High Level Segment – Dominican Republic
Since the adoption of the political declaration in 2009, Dominican Republic has taken steps in accordance. Our country has made significant progress despite limited money and human resources. Committed to the effective implementation of the conventions. Has worked hard with relevant drug organisations. Have managed activities effectively Demand reduction: our national strategies aimed to prevent …