I thank UNODC ED for organising the meeting. I appreciate representatives of other countries for their accuracy and patience. The outcomes of this meeting and eventual adoption of the statement play a considerable role in synergy of policies and goals in drugs to alleviate the pain of people who have fallen victim of narcotic drugs …
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High level segment – Minister for Children from Sweden
Sweden fully associates itself with the statement made by EU. Sweden worried about where drug policy is going and the trend to liberalise. Says some governments are leaving the path that all governments decided to go down in 2009. She asks what has changed since 2009 to cause this change. The main goal of the …
Supply Reduction Roundtable Part 2
Algeria. Cannabis tons seized. Crime is becoming more transnational in nature. Measures taken by Algeria. Awareness building and legislation. Capacity building needed for developing countries. Indonesia. Sea, air and land protection needed from drug trafficking syndicates. Dismantling and detecting clandestine laboratories. Consistent drug law enforcement exercise in order to??? (Very hard to understand this, sorry) …
High Level Segment – Statement by Afghanistan
This is a great opportunity to review the political declaration and plan of action of 2009. We work towards peace, prosperity and security. I want to begin by associating myself with the statement of G77 and China and the Asia Group – the drug problem is a global challenge which remains a common and shared …
High level segment – Khazakstan representative
Kazakhstan is taking decisive measures. Combatting drug trafficking is an important part of our policy. Three parts to Kazakhstan’s problem: Transit of afghan heroin, presence of homegrown, and imported synthetic drugs from the west. UNODC estimates of afghan heroin put it at 50-90 tonnes of heroin. Our consumption market for heroin is quite small at 800kg a …
Round Table Discussion Supply Reduction
Chair went over rules. Three minute limit. No national Statements. Member States first then NGOs. First Statement: UNODC. Mr. Hugo. In 2009 PD and POA adopted. 1) Cooperation, need for close coordination between authorities, interception. 2) precursor control. need to prevent introduction. 3) Alternative development. Need to implement strategies. Thanks to ENCOD for a great …