Chair: We’ll start where we stopped earlier – we’ll start with L6 then proceed to L7 and L11. Preambular paragraph beginning with acknowledging grave concern. Who will start us off? Can the sponsor please update us of any updates? USA: During the break we had productive bilaterals, and have a worked through text with China. …
From Others
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday) – Resolution L.6 Enhancing International Cooperation to Combat the Synthetic Opioid Crisis
Chair: We suspend consideration of this resolution and move onto L6. USA: We are happy to now have L6 under consideration by the Committee of the Whole. Chair: I propose that we start with the title. Are we able to adopt the title? Belgium: During informals, we did not discuss the title and my delegation …
L5 Committee of the Whole (Wednesday) – Resolution L.5
Chair: I have been advised that L.5 is close to consensus and would like this to be placed before the committee. We can then revert to L.10. Finland: We have been approached by Iran, and the delegation advised that they are ready to accept this resolution. Chair: The committee is now in a position to …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Wednesday 14th – Morning Session)
Colombia: We wish to recall the end of the armed conflict allowing our country to move towards a solution to drug production. A voluntary substitution policy tied to development plans will enable us to progress to structural solutions. In my country we put an end to a 54-year conflict and the direct impact of this …
Side Event: Legal uses and markets for cannabis, coca and opium poppy – breaking disbalances and stigma under UNGASS 2016 approach
Martin Jelsma: We have an opportunity to explore the power of nature and under the framework of the conventions. Fernando Botero: I am grateful to you for exploring this topic. Colombia is always placing human beings at the centre of policy. To see UN-wide cooperation to address the world drug problem. Colombia joins those who …
Side event: World Drug Report: Latest trends and addressing users’ needs
Organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Research and Trend Analysis Branch. Pakistan Office. The event will review the current issues on drug demand and drug supply that characterize the world drug problem and the way in which they are currently addressed in the World Drug Report. It will provide an opportunity …