Australia: Our resolution seeks to look at capability-building in the area of supply-reduction, particularly forensics. Primarily on health and safety, community protection and disposal. Hence references to information sharing. We have had good engagement in two informal sessions (Wednesday morning, and earlier today). Some text included now. All but two occasions agreed. Chair: Let’s consider the …
From Plenary Sessions
Plenary: Item 9. Implementation of the international drug control treaties
European Union: the EU and its member states are committed to the implementation of the three un drug conventions. The EU and its member states welcome the opportunity to reflect on drug control and human rights. Successful drug control intervention needs to be evidence-based approached in line with the drug control convention. The protection of human …
Side event: Innovations in drug investigation: Decrypting crypto phones
Organized by the Government of the Netherlands and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section. Hans Abma/ Dutch Ministry of Justice & Security: [opening remarks and gratitudes] We will be discussing drug organised crime under the general organised crime within the Dutch example. We will try to show you …
Plenary: Item 9. Implementation of the international drug control treaties
Chair: we will now reopen item number 9. Subitems B – E. commission invited WHO with support of UNODC to conduct regular reviews of scheduling. Item 9B – Laboratory and Scientific Section (UNODC): New psychoactive substances have been associated with harms to man, in particular to vulnerable populations. In 2008-19, 119 countries and territories reported …
Plenary: Item 8. Strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions
Chair: Before we start, I would like to give the opportunity to the Conference Management Service to play a short video. Conference Management Service: Our interpreters are key to facilitate this multicultural space. They’re your voice in the other languages. The visualised messages are a reminder of the need to slow down your delivery, increase …
Plenary: Item 6. Outcome of the ministerial segment.
Round-table discussions were held on 14 and 15 March 2019 on the following themes: (a) Taking stock of the implementation of all commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem, in particular in the light of the 2019 target date for the goals set in paragraph 36 of the Political Declaration; analysing …