Much of this debate concerned wording around documents relating to “drugged driving”: Revision 1 Talking about controlled and pharmaceutical drug abuse Improve data resources/testing for drug driving Preambular para 7 “welcoming…”delete the word illicit so it just reads drugs rather than assuming illicit drugs were involved “accident” “roadside testing” consistent with their legal frameworks “drugged …
Committee of the Whole – Discussions on FINGOV
CHAIR To much time on technical issues FINGOV was going to commit a resolution to consultation, losing track of what was meaning to be discussed. SWEDEN disturbed that the secretariat gives advice and that doesn’t pan out. How are we interrupting? Very grateful for US to sponsor and Sweden would like to be a co-sponsor. …
Committee of the Whole – L.6: Promoting adequate availability of internationally controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes
Argentina – The CND needs this resolution because it addresses topical and specific programmes. Argentina is a co-sponsor of this resolution. Pakistan – PP3: Wishes to change ‘the continuing efforts of NGOs…’ with ‘Noting the participatory role of civil society’. Russia: we need to make a difference between NGOs and civil society. We should state …
Committee of the whole – Efficient measures to improve participation of civil society in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Uruguay: We would like the CND to pay active attention to the participation of civil society organisations, such as NGO’s, trade unions and so on… In the previous paragraph we think “religious organisations” should be added to the list of civil society organisations. The following should also be addedas well as “access to internationally controlled …
Committee of the Whole – Final discussions, resolution on ensuring the availability of reference and test samples of controlled substances
Finland gave an update on its informal discussion this morning to finalise the points still open to discussion. The contentious paragraph would now read: ‘Recognising the important role entrusted to the INCB in accordance to article 9(4) of the 1961 convention…’ ‘And also encourages UNODC to consider providing adequate specifications of their quality as far …
Committee of the Whole – Ensuring the availability of controlled substances for drug testing labs
Finland: This resolution is intended to improve the performance of drug testing labs. Drug testing labs need small amounts of controlled substances to carry out the necessary tests and are required for accurate forensic data and monitoring systems. However, laboratory’s in many country struggle to get the controlled substances for testing. There is a need …