Cisse Mariama Mohamed, Union Africaine. Je voudrais remercier les organisateurs du side-event qui nous réunit aujourd’hui. Le phénomène de la drogue n’épargne aucun continent et l’Afrique est devenu aujourd’hui un lieu de prédilection des trafiquants mais aussi du crime organisé tirant profit du trafic. Les conséquences sont énormes, non seulement sur le plan économique mais aussi de …
Ivory Coast
Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment (cont…)
Brazil: We would like to associate ourselves with Egypt’s statement on behalf of the G77. Brazil welcomes the ministerial declaration renewing our global commitment to counter the WDP. As we reinforce international cooperation, we create an inducive environment. If we are to reach the strongest links of the drug market, we have to ensure criminals …
Side event: The contribution of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to the achievement of the mutually reinforcing commitments made by the international community in the 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Organized by the Governments of Côte d’Ivoire and France, the World Health Organization, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the French civil society platform on drug policy Camille Spire, French Civil Society Platform on Drug Policy. I am here on behalf of the French NGO platform on drug policy. I thank the Minister …
High Level Statement – Statement by Cote d’Ivoire
My country is honoured to participate in this international meeting on the world drug problem, and to end drug abuse. As we know, the plan of action of 2009 includes measures to reduce demand and supply and to combat money laundering and trafficking. It promotes enhanced judicial cooperation. My country seeks to end this phenomenon …
Round Table on Demand reduction
Portugese Representative: Is a balanced approach and our policy, and it is well known. We fight the disease not the people that suffer from it.” In general we have had a positive revolution of all indicators. The portuguese govt. The current economic austerity may impact service provision. Marginalised communities are most vulnerable, economic crises might …
Adoption of final report of CND
Chair of the CoW We had before us 16 draft proposals which have been approved by the Committee of the Whole. A full list of the resolutions is available at: There has been a request to consider the draft resolution on Afghanistan first. Resolution E/CN7/2013/L10/REF1 – Strengthening international cooperation in combating illicit opiates originating …