Thanks to the work of all delegations and the spirit of consensus throughout these negotiations, the efficiency of parallel discussions, has added to the speed to which we can continue adopting these texts. There were 13 draft resolutions submitted and 2 were merged into one. They were all very positive texts and each time we …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L13
Resolution L13 adopted, amendments on language ‘drug use prevention’ instead of ‘illicit drug use’ after informal negotiations with the US and Peru delegations.
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L13
Preventing the use of illicit drugs presented by Peru (co sponsors Chile, Costa Rica, Egypt, El Salvador and Norway) Peru: The world drug problem is detrimental to society especially young people. Preventative programs have to be based on scientific evidence and focus on individuals, children and young people; this resolution promotes consensual standards based on …
Day 1 Plenary: Peru ambassador
Peru ambassador: representing the group of 77 and china: The group reaffirms its commitment to the 3 conventions and the political declaration of 2009. And such actions require common and shared responsibility. The need to further improvements to the round table discussions is discussed and the CND needs to improve their effectiveness. The problem of …
Committee of the Whole – Support for the development and implementation of an integrated approach to programme development at the UNODC
OP2(bis) and (ter) added: ‘further requests that all regional and thematic programmes include provisions for evaluation including evaluation budgets and evaluation reports and evaluation skills capacity development’. OP3: Change to original text: ‘corporate’ is replaced by ‘financial’ USA: Could the Secretariat provide a proper name to this new system? OP4: Change to original text: replace …
CND Day 4. Item 7: World Situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendation of the subsidiary bodies of the commission
Chile – Combating money Laundering 2003 Money Laundering System whi, improvements in drafting of criminal offences. Intensive support for investigation, taken the choice to prosecute small scale criminal units removed 6.5 million $ through forfeiture. Convicted the first lawyer 2009 conviction on human trafficking 2. asset investigation. Possibility of online investigation. 2010 special police ATF …