Chair: Because of technical difficulties, we will not start with the Global Fund, so we will start with speakers left from yesterday. Please, limit your statements to 3 minutes. Kazakhstan: CND offers a unique platform to share information and strengthen cooperation. Weve all seen negative trends. This requires continued improvement and focused efforts. Important to …
Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (continued)
Chair: Welcome. I would immediately like to resume our consideration of Agenda Item 5: implementation of the international drug control treaties. We will now consider 5a: changes in the scope of control of substances. Under this item, the Commission is called upon to carry out its treaty functions under the respective provisions of the drug …
Item 3: General debate (continued)
Chair of the CND: We will continue with Item 3. Nepal: Nepal aligns itself with the statement of G-77 and Asia-Pacific Group. Illicit cultivation, production, manufacture, trafficking and consumption are putting profound impacts on security and development of the world. Yet, it is heartening to note that the world community has formally recognised the aim …
CND 62nd Session Reconvened – Friday, 13 December 2019

Chair: Welcome. Yuri Fedotov, UNODC: Today I am addressing you for the last time. As regular budgetary sources decreased, we were able to rely on your voluntary contribution, which I am sure will continue to allow us to deliver as you expected. We have come to a place of pressure as the whole UN system …
Item 11. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session
John Brandolino, UNODC: As highlighted in the ministerial declaration; the acceleration of the UNGASS document will be in the focus of the commission beyond 2019. The UNGASS provides a comprehensive set that addresses all aspects of the WDP. The negotiation of the draft document was adopted by consensus. Through resolution 60/1 the commission asked UNDOC …
Plenary: Item 10. Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem
Chair: In the Ministerial Declaration, Member States committed to reporting on the 2009 document and 2016 document. Consideration of this item during this regular session enables us to consider this matter further, beyond last week’s debates. The Secretariat has made available reports on the situation of drug abuse and trafficking. Also before the Commission is …