E/CN.7/2014/L.2 OP2 Chair: has been bracketed and worked on informal. Morocco: it is fine but want a small change. Germany: Agrees with the proposal OP2 agreed Secrtariat: there is a budget implication in OP4,5,6. 4: A meeting will be held in thailand, 5: $19,000 out of existing budgers. OP6, no additional resources. Chair: Resolution agreed …
CND Plenary Day 3 – Thailand
The world drug situation is stable in demand and supply. Need more effective responses. Thailand’s drug problem is rather stable. Synthetic drugs remain a concern. “Safe Communities for Families Reunion” acknowledged that the state alone cannot fight against drugs. Appealing to the public for involvement. Drugs and other related crimes are associated with poverty; we …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.8
Promoting drug use prevention based on scientific evidence as an investment in the well-being of children, young people, families, and communities Thailand – Introduce draft resolution L8, “Promoting drug use prevention based on scientific evidence as an investment in the well-being of children, young people, families, and communities. Chair – Is the title acceptable? Venezuela …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.2
Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development and proposal to organize an international seminar/workshop on the implementation of the Guiding Principles One paragraph pending – OP2 Germany – Not successful so far in formal discussion. After “poverty eradication” add “such development measures include inter alia, rural development, strengthening local governance …
Committee of the Whole – Resolutions discussed on Monday afternoon
Two resolutions (L2 and L3) were considered. Final language agreed for only some paragraphs. Others bracketed and the Chair directed Member states to go to informals to finalize. What follows is a transcript of the debate between member states. Final language will be posted as soon as it is available. Committee of the Whole Dronabinol …
CND Plenary Day 1 – Replies to INCB report
European Union There is a focus on demand reduction and emphasises the need for treatment. Welcome INCB’s work on NPS. Committed to bilateral and regional cooperation. Including judicial cooperation, and drug monitoring agencies. Need full respect for human rights. Want to see human rights included into all the CND does. EU opposed to death penalty …