Yuri Fedotov: The civil society contributions to the discussion of the High Level Review have been useful. A health based approach respectful with human rights needs to be encouraged. We call the governments to move away from compulsory treatment. We must encourage drug international cooperation. Question: How can the UN pretend that there is a …
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Round Table Discussion Supply Reduction
Chair went over rules. Three minute limit. No national Statements. Member States first then NGOs. First Statement: UNODC. Mr. Hugo. In 2009 PD and POA adopted. 1) Cooperation, need for close coordination between authorities, interception. 2) precursor control. need to prevent introduction. 3) Alternative development. Need to implement strategies. Thanks to ENCOD for a great …
Civil Society Hearing: concluding remarks
Director, Non Communicable diseases and Mental Health WHO: We feel inspired and encouraged by the involvement of NGOs and civil society. We are pleased to work with other agencies, We have committed ourselves to making UNGASS 2016 happen. Yury Fedotov: This briefing has been a good opportunity for member states and NGOs and scientists to …
Conclusions from the Informal Civil Society Hearing
Esbjorn Hornberg, VNGOC. Today, you have demonstrated your commitment to support the VNGOC and their contribution to drug control policy. In 2 years’ time, we will gather in New York for the UNGASS on production, trafficking and use of drugs. We look forward to further collaboration. NGOs can help us provide prevention, treatment and care, and …
UNODC Executive Director: Yury Fedatov address to CND
We are here today to take stock; to reflect on the successes and setbacks in addressing the global drug problem; and to do better. We must also do more. The cultivation, manufacture, trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs continue to pose a major threat to the health of people everywhere; and to the stability and …
3rd Informal Civil Society Hearing – Closing discussion
Michel Perron, VNGOC. This is the first hearing with a chair and co-chair including UNODC and WHO. We are therefore delighted for them to be with us today. Mirella Dummar Frahi, UNODC. This has been an interesting hearing. Not many member states are here today, but a few are, including the Finland delegation. NGOs are setting …