Associates itself with EU statement. Drug use impacts all components of human security. Through international cooperation we are more effective in interventions. Much progress has been made but problem is not solve. Should further debate and strive to agree on drug demand reduction including risk and harm reduction and policies involved with cannabis. Initiatives to …
High Level Segments
High Level Segment – Statement of Romania
Fully associates itself with statement of EU. After five years not satisfied with progress made on PD and POA. UNGASS another political opportunity to identify solutions to WDP. Successful evaluation should take into account respect for human rights. Essential principle is respect of human rights, dignity, democracy, solidarity and rule of law. Opposed to measures …
High Level Segment – Statement by Costa Rica
Adheres to Nicaragua and Sri Lanka statements for Grulac and group of 77. Many of us share views and opinions that place people at the center of the debate and take into account many factors that contribute to drug problem. Despite huge efforts made so far problem persists. Not achieved expected results. Has sent problem …
High Level Segment – Statement by Denmark
Refer to EU statement. Danish delegation fully supports. Progress made since POA and PD adopted in 2009. However, drug problem continues to pose a serious threat to PWUD and society as a whole. Government of Denmark welcomes opportunity of midterm review in implementation of PD and POA. A few points necessary to achieve. Drug policies …
High Level Segment – Statement by Bulgaria
Associates itself with EU statement. Fight against drugs a major challenge. Bulgaria on the Balkan Route for trafficking. Pays special attention to the fight. Strong determination to support meaningful measures and initiatives. Need for enhanced international cooperation. Leading role of CND, INCB and UNODC. Instruments on control and diversion of precursors very useful. On line …
High Level Segment – Statement by Israel
Health centered approach to drug policy. State of Israel against death penalty for drug related offences. Multi-diciplinary approach to anti-drug policy. Balanced demand and supply approach to combat drug and alcohol abuse. Implements healthy life skill approach. Parent an integral part of approach. Community centers sport events and more. Treatment in prison system. Harm reduction …