Drug problem a major global issue. Knows no borders. No major change at global level despite all efforts to control. Increase in illegal poppy cultivation and NPS. Upcoming UNGASS note relevance of recommendations in 2009 PD and relevance of existing drug control system. Belarus is party to all main anti-drug conventions. Countering drug trafficking a …
High Level Segments
High Level Segment – Statement by Germany
No ignoring the fact that actuality of drug conventions being questioned very intensely not only in public foreign. Need to focus more on health than crime. QUestion is whether 3 conventions in current form provide sufficient flexibility to do so. Single Convention statements on prevention of drug abuse and treatment of dependence. 1961 UN Conference …
High Level Segment – Statement by Azerbaijan
Illicit drug trafficking source of financing for international terrorism. Strengthen anti-drug potential of countries, individually and internationally. In AZ addressed at highest level. State commission set up that has been operating successfully over years. Cross border problems monitored. Objective evaluation of risks and threats currently to be confronted, comprehensive national program has been devised to …
High Level Segment – Statement by Nigeria
Associates with statement of G-77 and China. Threat of illicit drugs cannot be wished away. What is required is a world coordinated transnational and coordinated international strategy in line with principles of common and shared responsibility. Special session of UNGASS HLR will not only enhance and rejuvenate collective efforts in fight against illicit drugs and …
High Level Segment – Statement by Peru
We have come here to attend the Segment to evaluate progress in implementing the objectives of the political declaration and seek ways to improve its implementation. In 2009, all states pledged to implement effectively the declaration on the basis of shared responsibility. We acknowledge the efforts deployed to meet this challenge. Peru has made efforts …
High Level Segment – Statement by Trinidad and Tobago
We need an integrated and balanced strategy to counter the world drug problem. We need to refine, improve the implementation of our drug strategies. The 2009 declaration is integrated in our national drug strategy and programmes. We recognise the principle of international cooperation and the principle of common and shared responsibility. We participate in all …