We need to put human being at the center of how drug is control. Those who depend on drugs should not be a subject of brutality or punishment but treatment.They should not be stigmatized. Young people are becoming alienated from the conventional activities, they don’t do sports but always clubbing, socializing on the internet and …
From Plenary Sessions
Opening Plenary: Statement from Guatemala
The country has become a transit country, neither a major producing nor consuming country. It’s been more than 50 years of the single convention, I think each member state have to think through what we have being doing. The president of Guatemala has worked relentlessly to promote security. We cannot allow the most successful people …
opening Plenary: Statement by LAO PDR
It is noted that the international community including Lao PDR are actively seeking ways to resolve the world drug problem. The annual survey on opium cultivation in Lao shows increased from the previous years. This is resulting from lack of resources for alternative development, demand for opium consumption and increase in the price in the …
Opening plenary: presentation by representatives of United State of America
The US government is committed to the international control of drugs and fully second the statement of the UNODC executive director for expansion of drug prevention and evidence-based intervention. In the US we have reduced cocaine use. The US does not claim a monopoly of best practice to drug control. Each government must decide its …
Opening Plenary: Statement by Represntative of Uruguay
The world is facing a big challenge as drug problem has crossed entire cultures. In the 20th century we had a goal of drug free society which has created a more complex issue in our fight against drug. This has meant attacking human rights and damage to human being. We can say with full conviction …
Opening Plenary: Statement by Representative of Peru
She stated that the country has a lot of scientific information it can share on the coca leaf with Bolivia and agreed that the coca leaf is beneficial. She however said that 90% of coca leaf grown in Peru, and Bolivia does get into trafficking. In Peru we have been able to capture the leader …